Fears & Phobias

Fear is a rational response to potentially dangerous situations or things.

A phobia presents as an irrational fear. It is often talked about as having no known origin. I believe all of our reactions and fears derive from some previous event whether or not it is known to us in the moment. 

Another distinction between fears and phobias is that most fears are established in childhood while most phobias develop later in life.

Hypnotherapy is an effective treatment for working with fears and phobias. It provides access to the subconscious brain where our emotions and memories are stored. Once there is access, old scripts that have been programmed over time are re-written, thus allowing for the replacement of faulty messages with a more positive and effective mindset and thought process.

Some common fears or phobias for which people come to hypnotherapy include…

*Fears: Flying-Driving-Abandonment-Public speaking-Success-Failure among others

Phobias: Claustrophobia (closed places)-Agoraphobia (open places)-Social phobia-Zoophobia (animals)-Aviophobia (flying) among others