Your Life
in Balance

Improve Your Health

Stop Smoking, Weight Loss, Sleep Well, etc

Regain Control of Your Life

Overcome Anxiety, Fears, Traumas, etc

Connect with your inner self

Spiritual Growth, Improve Self-Esteem, Focus, etc.

What is Spiritual Hypnotherapy?

Spiritual Hypnotherapy is a merging of spirituality with hypnotherapy.

The spiritual aspect of the treatment is derived from your own spiritual beliefs, whether it is rooted in a religion, a philosophy, a ritual, or a connection with nature. Strengthening these beliefs allows you to have complete control and autonomy in your life. It will strengthen your relationship with your inner guidance and, in turn, diminish the need to look outward for your healing.

Through hypnosis we can gain entry into the subconscious mind, the direct connection to our higher self. Once we access the subconscious mind, we can begin to work on healing behaviors, thoughts, and symptoms that are interfering with higher functioning.

I believe spirituality and hypnotherapy are interchangeable. We are all spiritual beings attempting to navigate this world. Together we will work towards unlocking your inner strength so you can live a life free of limitations.

spiritual hypnotherapy

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a state of extreme relaxation, focus, and concentration.

During the state of hypnosis, the client never loses control, is always alert and awake.

The state of hypnosis allows the hypnotherapist to introduce positive suggestions into the client’s subconscious to create positive changes and the desired outcomes.

How Does Hypnosis Work?

Our subconscious mind is the most powerful part of our brain.  All of our previous experiences and messages received from infancy to approximately age 9, both positive and negative, are recorded in our subconscious mind and create what is known as our “life script.” 

This life script inevitably influences our personality and behaviors. For instance, if a child receives hurtful and abusive messages or treatment growing up, it is likely that they will later develop low self-esteem, lack of confidence, fear of failure, and fear of success – among other issues.  

Through hypnosis, the goal is to create a window into your subconscious mind and replace all negative and destructive messages with a new and more positive script. 

About Me

Christian Piker

christian piker

Christian Piker is a bilingual Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Cognitive Behavioral Coach. He graduated with honors from the Hypnosis Motivational Institute (HMI), America’s first nationally accredited college of hypnotherapy.

Christian began his journey working as a volunteer for Our House Grief, a non-profit organization serving individuals who are experiencing grief and loss. He worked as a group leader providing grief counseling for adults and children. His experience working at this center and his own experience with loss would eventually guide him to dive deeper into this realm.   

Christian graduated on the Dean’s list from CA State University, Northridge earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religious Studies.  His interest in Spirituality prompted him to learn about the vast philosophies that exist in the world in an effort to help him understand and work with people on a deeper, more spiritual level. 

His approach to treatment is client-centered allowing for the clients to participate in their treatment planning while helping them feel in control of their experience.

Christian holds the belief that we human beings are interconnected on a spiritual level. This connection is evidenced in part by the interactions and experiences of the past and how they directly impact our current existence. 

Christian’s caring and gentle approach creates a level of safety and comfort that fosters trust and allows for the healing process to unfold.

Conditions Treated

Fears & Phobias

Smoking Cessation



Focus and Motivation

Cancer Treatment Management



"The wound is the place where the light enters you"

– Rumi