Anxiety Hypnosis

Anxiety is a natural reaction to fear, worry, and uncertainty.

It often gets triggered by a situation or event that is connected to a memory or trauma that has not yet been healed. Although it is uncomfortable to experience, it does serve a purpose. 

Anxiety functions like an alarm system warning us about possible changes we need to make in our lives. Additionally, Anxiety can also occur without any warning which could be an indication of a deeply rooted memory that has yet to surface.

The subconscious mind can identify and associate events from our present life with those from our past experiences. When this association occurs, anxiety presents itself by causing physical symptoms such as palpitations, stomach pain, headaches, and sweating among others. Anxiety can reach such high levels of distress, sometimes triggering panic attacks. 

Hypnotherapy is a highly effective intervention in treating both anxiety and panic attacks. Through the state of hypnosis, the subconscious brain is accessed allowing for the reprogramming of the mind to occur. This enables us to replace old, faulty reactions with a more peaceful and calm experience.