Self-esteem, illness, and hypnotherapy

In the past, diseases and physical symptoms were not generally connected to mental illness. Only in the last few decades, researchers have been able to identify and explore how the body’s energy centers are interconnected with physiology. Many scientific leaders in this field are at the forefront of proving, through extensive research, how the power of our thoughts and emotions could directly influence our physical well-being as well as dis-ease.

The root of many illnesses, such as Cancer, has not yet been discovered. The focus has mostly been on genetics, environmental factors, and behaviors, like smoking. There has not been much research done on the impact of personality, traumatic life experiences, and the inability to cope with stress, and how this can break down mental well-being and ultimately contribute to the breakdown of our bodies.

The inability to effectively cope with stressors decreases our motivation, energy level, and inevitably our self-esteem. When an individual suffers from low self-esteem it can create the loss of dreams, desires, and even the will to live. This could create internal toxicity, contributing to the breakdown of our immune system and the manifestation of disease.

Understanding the importance of the mind-body connection is necessary for developing a lifestyle that will contribute to our overall well-being.

It is very challenging to change behaviors that have been deeply ingrained in our psyche, sometimes since early childhood, but it is not impossible!

Hypnosis allows for the access of the subconscious mind where all of our early memories and emotions have been recorded. Once accessed, a re-wiring of sorts takes place where old faulty messages are replaced with new, healthier ones. Self-esteem will align positively with the change, and consequently, the immune system will strengthen and increase its defenses